I tell them about the sterilization of my minumino cat and tobby dog

Hello friends and friends who love pets, I made the decision to neuter my cat and dog 2 weeks ago, because of the situation in the country it is harder to have pets every day and I think that bringing more kittens and more puppies is a lot of work. nobody wants to adopt pets, they leave them in the streets and highways so that the cars kill them is very unfortunate.
A cat usually has three jealousies a year imagine how many kittens she can have per year.
For those people who do not have knowledge and believe that I am cruel, the operation is simple, it is anesthetized and it consists in removing their sexual glands, the testicles are removed, they can be done 1 or 2 points, it is very fast, the operation is not sometimes sew cure themselves, my minumino and my toby and at the time of surgery they walked throughout the house.
Here you can see the two points:P1011943.JPG
Some of the advantages of male cats:
They will no longer go out looking for females, since having neutered them does not have a hormonal need.
-Do not seek fights with other cats will be more at home without having the need to mark more territory, that of urinating throughout the house.
- They will be calmer and more affectionate and they will get a little fatter.
Some of the advantages of dogs:
They will stop being aggressive
You will not have unwanted puppies.
They will not mark territory everywhere, of course not in its entirety.
It eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and prostate problems.
They will get a little fat.
It is important if you decide to neuter your cat or dog you must do all the necessary exams and when taking them to the vet, they should not eat at least 12 hours before the operation or solid or liquid foods since at the moment of the operation they can vomit and make them drown themselves
I hope you help my experience thank you very much.
